Search Tips

Search Site Contents

To search through the full site contents – click here. This will give a complete listing of all entries on By entering your search keyword(s) in the search box – at the top of the listing – you will search through the full site contents. To narrow your search results use the filters on the left side.

To search through the full site contents – click here. This will give a complete listing of all entries on By entering your search keyword(s) in the search box – at the top of the listing – you will search through the full site contents. To narrow your search results use the filters on the left side.

Tips and Tricks
  • Short queries: Unless you have very specific requirements, it is often best simply to type short search queries; often one or two words may be all you need. By default, if you search for two or more words, the search engine will look for all of the words you enter, ie will treat the query as a Boolean AND.

  • Filter search results: search results can cut down be by using the filters on the left hand side of the screen. Filters become very detailed when searching one publication.
  • Modify search: Too many search results from a simple query? Click modify search to refine (or alter) your search terms. 
  • Advanced search: use advanced search to search in specific fields, like author names.
  • Search within (advanced search): On the advanced search page you find the option search within to make use of publication specific indices. Select Brill’s New Jacoby using search within, and you will see five new search fields appearing , all related to the content of this publication.

Personal search tools

Take a minute to register for a personal account. This will enable you to use a number of tools that enhance your search experience. The tools will show up as soon as you logged in as a personal user.
  • Save this search: Perform a search and click on Save this search in the right menu. You can save as many searches as you like. Open your account to see and manage your saved searches.
  • Search history: When on the your account page you also see your search history. The website records search history for 30 days.
  • Search alerts. Set up a search alert to get automatic notifications whenever a (new) article is published that will fit a certain query. E.g. a search alert for Cairo will send e-mail when a new search result for the search-key Cairo is found.

The search engine
  • Capitals: The search is insensitive to case: searching for abraham, ABRAHAM or ABraHaM will all retrieve the same results.
  • Stem: The search engine will search for words with the same stem, ie a search for bow will also retrieve bowing, bowed and bows.
  • Special characters: Accents are neglected in the search. Search for Allah will give results containing Allah and vice versa.

  • Numbers: Key in "1:1" in the search field, including the double quotes to find 1:1.
  • >Phrases: Include a phrase in double quotes, eg "arabic script" to retrieve all articles that contain the exact phrase.
  • Wildcards: You can use the "?" symbol to perform a single character wildcard search; or you can use the "*" symbol for zero or more characters. For example, jo? will match job and joy. The term jo* will also match jonah, john and journey. Accented characters are not supported in wildcard expressions.
  • >Fuzzy searches (pattern matches): A fuzzy search is useful if you are not sure how to spell a particular word, or if alternative spellings are permissible. To perform a fuzzy search, simply add the "~" character to the end of the search term. For example, grammer~ will match grammar.
  • Proximity searches: Use the "~" character plus a number at the end of a phrase. For example, the query "adam eve"~3 will match the two terms within 3 words of each other.
  • Boolean operators: AND, OR and NOT are allowed Boolean operators, all of which must be typed in upper case. example: the search string adam AND eve will find all articles containing the words Adam and Eve.
  • Ranking of search results: When it compiles the result list, the search engine returns results in the following order of priority:
  1. Exact matches in the article heading
  2. Partial matches in the article heading
  3. Matches of all terms in the full text of the article

To retrieve the total number of search results enter *:* as search term.